Drafting is often used to create initial designs. These designs are produced using standard sizing presets from factories or have been measured accurately using a fit model. This method is traditionally drawn on paper and has markings for ease allowance to complete the formation of the garment.
Fashion Draping
This style of pattern creation involves draping the muslin over a form (or mannequin) to create a 3D shape. After a designer has reached the desired look, this fabric is then transferred to paper for the final pattern. This method can be more expensive than other techniques. However, it gives a fashion designer an overview of how a garment will look before making the final decisions before production.
It involves measurements derived from sizing systems or accurate measurements taken on a person, dress or body form. Measurements for chest, waist, hip and so on, and ease allowances are marked on paper and construction lines are drawn to complete the pattern. Drafting is used to create basic, foundation or design patterns.
It involves the draping of a two dimensional piece of fabric around a form, conforming to its shape, creating a three-dimensional fabric pattern. This muslin is transferred to paper to be used as a final pattern (Armstrong). Ease allowances for movement are added to make the garment comfortable to wear. Advantage of draping is that the designer can see the overall design effect of the finished garment on the body form before the garment piece is cut and sewn. However, it is more expensive and time consuming than flat pattern making.