Super Pattern Organisation


Marker Making

Interactive marker making: It is a common process in that the operator plans marker by interacting directly with the system through a computer screen. All the pattern pieces are displayed in miniature at the top of the screen. 

In apparel manufacturing, a marker is a special kind of stencil that illustrates how pattern pieces of one or more garments should be cut from several layers of fabric. The person who arranges the marker is the marker planner. It is the marker planner’s job to arrange the pattern pieces efficiently, wasting as little of the fabric as possible. The percentage of fabric cut into pieces is called the pattern yield (material utilization). When the yield is high, the arrangement of pieces is described as a “tight marker.”

Apparel manufacturers share the builder’s appreciation for cutting with precision. Before workers make the first incision into layers of fabric, they must ensure that the fabric is properly arranged, in a process called “spreading.” After spreading, the pattern map is placed on top of the stack, and the markers are cut. Various types of cutters are used.

Marker making using Gerber Techonology


In garment pattern making, marker making is the process of arranging pattern pieces on a layout to minimize fabric waste and maximize efficiency in cutting. Gerber Technology offers a range of tools and features for marker making, including automatic nesting and marker planning.

To create a marker using Gerber Technology, you will first need to create a digital pattern and save it in a compatible file format, such as DXF or AAMA. You can then import the pattern into Gerber’s marker making software and use the program’s editing tools to adjust the pattern size, orientation, and arrangement.

Gerber’s automatic nesting feature will analyze the pattern pieces and generate an optimized layout that minimizes fabric waste. You can also manually adjust the layout to meet specific production requirements or accommodate different fabric widths.

Once the marker is created, Gerber’s marker planning feature will calculate the amount of fabric required for the order and generate a cutting plan. This includes instructions for the cutting machine, such as the number of layers to cut, the cutting sequence, and the direction of the cut.

Gerber Technology’s marker making tools can significantly increase efficiency and reduce fabric waste in garment manufacturing. By automating the nesting and cutting planning process, Gerber enables manufacturers to streamline their production processes and improve profitability.